My Village Ministries

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God has called each of us to love and come alongside the orphan, suffering and poor. This ministry is tangibly doing just that and we are excited to come alongside them in their Gospel mission. Please read about the roles below and pray for the Spirit to lead in how you can serve.

Why does My Village Ministries exist? 

MVM seeks to come alongside families in crisis and provide community and support to help them get to the other side. We do this by placing children with host families for a short period of time, providing coaching and training for parents, and welcoming those who are isolated into a Christ-centered community.

Key Roles in MVM

Host Families
You host the child/children of the family in crisis in your home. You also play the critical role of building a relationship to the Referring Parent(s). Average length of stay is 50 days.

Community Coach
You provide coaching, encouragement, and/or mentoring for the referring parent(s). You also support the HF (Host Family) and make sure the child or children being hosted are safe and well.

Care Community
You wrap around the HF to make sure they are supported during a time of hosting. The support can come by the way of babysitting, transportation, and encouragement cards. It can also come by the way of materials such as diapers, wipes, car seats, clothes, meals, gift cards, etc.

Ministry Lead
This is recommended for a team of 2-4 people. You are the coordinator(s) of MVM at the church. You are the key voice and recruiter of the ministry. You also provide structure to make sure the HF are supported during a time of hosting.

In this role you walk alongside a school-aged child that is being hosted not just during the hosting but after reunification for a year. The goal is to meet with the child every 1-2 weeks and be a consistent and encouraging influencer in their life.