Kingdom Investment - Colossians 4:7-18
Colossians Andrew Dempsey Colossians Andrew Dempsey

Kingdom Investment - Colossians 4:7-18

As Paul closes out the letter to the Colossians we see a snapshot into the people that he has invested in and have invested in him, and we look at the ways that God calls each of us to invest in the health and growth of our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.

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Kingdom Spouses - Colossians 3:18-19
Colossians Scott Burns Colossians Scott Burns

Kingdom Spouses - Colossians 3:18-19

Human marriages are designed to brilliantly transmit the love between Christ and his Church Bride. Christ created that marriage and its nature and the human marriages must mirror it in order to yield the joyful life and light of the gospel it was designed for.

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Christ In Word & Deed - Colossians 3:16-17
Colossians Scott Burns Colossians Scott Burns

Christ In Word & Deed - Colossians 3:16-17

Every piece of life is the Lord’s and we are called to do all of it as Christ would, in his honor, in his name, as an extension of Him as if you were Him… because He is in you.. and you are being changed into his image. This happens as we ensure that the message of Christ dwells richly in and between us and we respond in singing together to our great God.

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Striving For Oneness - Colossians 3:14-15
Colossians Scott Burns Colossians Scott Burns

Striving For Oneness - Colossians 3:14-15

The new man rightfully places his mind on things above, which includes a loving and peace seeking heart for God’s children here who are hidden with him in Christ. And together they carefully watch for Christ in all and all He does with thanksgiving.

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Donning Gentleness - Colossians 3:10-14
Colossians Scott Burns Colossians Scott Burns

Donning Gentleness - Colossians 3:10-14

Regardless or our natural inclination with God’s faulty and failing children, God has asked, called each of us to specifically deal with his Children with gentleness and patience and compassion. And when they fail and sin against you, do to them what your amazing Christ has done to you time and again… forgive them.

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Some Might Worship You - Colossians 3:1-4
Colossians Scott Burns Colossians Scott Burns

Some Might Worship You - Colossians 3:1-4

You have a true life. It is not in your physical possession right now, but Christ promises it soon will be and worth investing any and everything. And my brothers and sisters, when He appears again, the true you will be seen… and the world has never seen anything like it…. Has never seen anything like you in your full glory. This is where we are called to set our minds rather than this world and the flesh that fills it.

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Are We Free Enough? - Colossians 2:16-19
Colossians Andrew Dempsey Colossians Andrew Dempsey

Are We Free Enough? - Colossians 2:16-19

Are we free enough? Christ makes his people free and wants us to walk in that freedom. The false teachers were aiming to rob the believers of the freedom that Christ had purchased for them. But the pure gospel sustains and frees the people of God.

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Not Resurrected Alone - Colossians 2:12-14
Colossians, Easter Scott Burns Colossians, Easter Scott Burns

Not Resurrected Alone - Colossians 2:12-14

Before each of us stands an offer of a new spiritual life joyfully given by the Father with the same power He joyfully raised Jesus from the dead. How? Through giving us a permanent separation from our spiritual death and guilt--- full, complete, irreversible forgiveness. A forgiveness so complete he says our spiritual debt and sentence is blotted out and nailed it to cross, where it stays. We are free to love him because he is with us and our sin penalty is not--- it is blotted out and will never leave the cross.

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