Jesus: The Master of Ceremonies - Mark 2:18-22
Mark Scott Burns Mark Scott Burns

Jesus: The Master of Ceremonies - Mark 2:18-22

Jesus, his teaching, his work and his reign fits inside nothing else… no larger narrative.. no greater agenda or idol in all of eternal history.  All of Judiasm was about Jesus.  all the Old Testament….all of human history.. all the universe and all time is about the Triune God’s plan in Jesus’s Kingdom.  And with that Kingdom came all new ceremonies, ordinances and commands.

Regular, proactive fasting is fitting and helpful for us to train our minds and hearts to love and long for our Savior who is physically away from us right now. It is his call and desire for his Church and you.

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Jesus In Our Place - Mark 1:40-45
Mark Andrew Dempsey Mark Andrew Dempsey

Jesus In Our Place - Mark 1:40-45

As Jesus interacts with the leper, so he does with us. When we humbly come to him, his holiness overpowers our uncleaness and he takes our place as the one put outside of the camp. 

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The Father’s Healing Preacher - Mark 1:29-39
Mark Scott Burns Mark Scott Burns

The Father’s Healing Preacher - Mark 1:29-39

At this point in Mark, we have found Jesus to be the incognito Christ whose primary mission from the Father was to preach the truth of the glorious kingdom that even reigns over demons and sickness.  And he effortlessly overpowers and expels all demons and sickness he engages, while refueling and re-centering in significant times of prayer with the Father.

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Light From The Desert - Mark 1:12-14
Mark Scott Burns Mark Scott Burns

Light From The Desert - Mark 1:12-14

Jesus, the light of the Word, the Son of God, started his ministry by defeating Satan’s temptations and being upheld by the Father’s angels before beginning his gospel preaching ministry.

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The True Substance - Mark 1:1-8
Mark Andrew Dempsey Mark Andrew Dempsey

The True Substance - Mark 1:1-8

As we begin the book of Mark, we see John the Baptist introducing the true substance of the the faith that was promised from old, Jesus. John baptized with water, but Jesus would baptize with the Spirit of God. 

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