The Treasure of Spiritual Origins - Ephesians 1:7-10
Spiritual Origins is a treasure of revered worship, not a field of debate,....something only God knows and reveals. We are to learn, embrace and meditate on this source of joy and help others do the same.
Jesus Is Better Than You Think - Hebrews 4:14-16
Believing the right things about what Jesus has done for us is important and necessary. It’s just as important to believe correctly how he views us and how he responds to us when we fail. In Hebrews 4, we see the picture of Christ, our Great High Priest, who moves towards us in our weakness and leads us to the throne of grace so we can receive what we most need.
Living Quenched - Jeremiah 2:9-13
The new life Christ has given us is one where the norm of our life is the continual prayerful connection with God in which we experience regular joy as we notice his loving works and fill our minds with his loving and blessing instruction form his letter to us… the Bible.
Remembering Who We Are - 1 Peter 1:13-2:9
The Spirit calls us to remember where we came from, what our purpose is and how this has happened for us so that we do not waste our lives and grow into the beauty of the strength of Christ.
Seeking the Quiet Longings of the Spirit-Galatians 5:16-25
God is the greatest news of the good news. We get to know Him now and forever. As believers, He dwells in us through the Holy Spirit and we can fellowship sweetly with Him. But how do we actually interact with Him? What does it mean to “hear God''… “to listen to Him”…” to be led by the Spirit?
The Rightful King of All - 1 Peter 3:15
Christ is so much more than “my King”. He is “The King” over all and the full king of my heart. We are suffer so much weakness and stress in our lives by our undetected, but deeper loyalty to something/ someone over Jesus. There is a strain in us because we are straddling two loyalties and foundations. We are hearing the summons of Christ, but still often believe deeply and foolishly in our hearts that there are greater and more trustworthy principles and more cherished persons than Christ himself. This dual-mindedness cripples our worship, peace and testimony. Only the recognized kingship will set us free.
Body Builders: One and All -Ephesians 4:11-16
God loves to give gifts. He has blessed His body with many meaningful ones. We see some and their purpose in Ephesians 4:11-16.
Call Me Forgiven - Matthew 18: 21-35
There is tremendous, needed freedom and power found in discovering the greatness of your forgiveness.
Building Up The Body - Ephesians 4:11-16
This week we look at Paul’s words to the church from Ephesians 4. God has put us together to walk with one another and help each other grow up by his Spirit as we speak the truth to one another in love.
Hope Invites: A Unique Result From A Cross City Diagnostic - Titus 2:11-14
God’s people is a spiritual and true family of His adopted children saved by grace, away from sin and to good and zealousness to implement and express it in good works.
Our Need, His Grace, Our Joy - Luke 24:13-53
In this passage, we find an account of transformation, as the resurrection of Jesus moves His disciples from sorrow to joy. By understanding their need, growing in biblical knowledge, and walking in faith – these men are changed in ways that reveal Christ as the source of their faith, wisdom, & satisfaction.
The Fervency of Hope - I Peter 1:13-21
We are called by Christ to fully embrace the long-game work of redemptive history and place all our value and hope and investment in how he promises to richly bless us when he returns.
Muchness - Matt 22:34-40
The essence and fullness of the Old Testament and New Testament call on all of humanity is simple. It is to love God with all our heart, soul and muchness. Anything else is falling short of the glory of God, which we have all done but, thanks to Christ, not longer must continue in it.
Tethered To Our Returning Christ - James 5:7-8
Christ calls us and equips us to wait expectantly for his return and the Spirit will lead us forward into his mission and worship until he comes.
The Superior Life of Abiding - John 15:1-11
The life offered us in the Gospel is radically different. It is a new, moment by moment relationship with Christ where we actively live and interact with Him by the power of His Spirit through the Word and prayer. There alone is glory is given, joy found, love experienced and any true fruit is produced.